

卡蕾兰伯特 ’24 interned with the Reproducive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire during what was a busy summer of events and rallies. (图)

卡蕾兰伯特 ’24 was looking forward to gaining some valuable real-world experience through an internship this summer following her sophomore year at 主要研究.


Lambert found herself in a truly unique and distinctively rewarding position when she secured an internship with the Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire (RFFNH) – just weeks before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. 韦德.


当这个决定下达时,她还在工作的早期阶段, fueling fierce debate nationwide and shining the brightest light possible on the organization’s mission.

“我们知道它会到来,只是时间问题. 我们已经尽我们所能做好了准备, 但对于这么大的事情,你能准备的只有这么多,兰伯特说.

唯一更大的可能是社区的反应, which was both moving and inspiring to Lambert – monthly donors to RFFNH immediately increased significantly, allowing the organization to offer even more services and assistance than it ever had before.

在某种程度上, the public reaction to it gave us a lot of hope that honestly might have been lost if I hadn’t been working there,兰伯特说. “We heard from a couple hundred people right away who just learned about our cause and wanted to help. 如果我没有在那里工作的话, 我看到新闻就会想, 我的天哪, 这是世界末日, 我们对此无能为力.’ But being on the inside I got to see how many people care, how many people are going to fight.”

这场斗争在兰伯特心中由来已久, 三联修通讯专业, 哲学(伦理与社会责任选修)和意大利语研究. 社会公正问题, 尤其是生育权利, 从她记事起就对她很重要吗, 所以RFFNH是一个强有力的匹配.

Her internship was part of the inaugural 文理学院 (COLA) summer fellow program through the college's Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab (GRSIL), which secured all of the fellowships for the summer and then matched students to the best fit. 带薪的夏季奖学金部分是由捐赠基金提供的.

兰伯特在谈到这个职位时说:“它为我检查了所有的条件. “Having the chance to not only work toward a social justice issue that I really care about but also getting to meet some really amazing people, 这只是一个夏天的好机会.”

如果我没有在那里工作的话, 我看到新闻就会想, 我的天哪, 这是世界末日.' But being on the inside I got to see how many people care, how many people are going to fight."

那是在罗伊案的新闻正式爆出之前. Working with RFFNH through such a significant moment in history provided perspective she couldn’t have counted on when she signed on. 她的主要角色是教育协调员, focusing on creating educational content and hosting events that included a recurring book club meeting, and she also got to work with NH PANTHER (Plymouth Area Network to Help End Racism) and the New Hampshire Harm Reduction Coalition to create a community resource guide.

But in the aftermath of the Roe decision she also got to attend protests and rallies that took on more significant meaning – including one in Concord on July 4 and a Queen City Pride event in Manchester – and capitalized on the chance to have a voice in the fight for reproductive rights in New Hampshire and beyond at a most critical time.

“After the Roe decision I attended a protest on July 4 and the energy there was so strong and powerful,兰伯特说. “It really made me feel that I was working with and doing something that was really important to so many people, 对我来说,这就是我的暑假.”

社区的大量支持也帮助RFFNH度过了一个美好的夏天. Donations increased so substantially that the organization was quickly able to expand beyond its traditional offerings of direct funding for abortion care or rides and other assistance for appointments, 包括加油卡, 食物和住所支持的礼品卡. “令人惊讶的是,即使发生了这么大的负面事件, 社区里的人们做了很多,我们能够创造一个积极的,兰伯特说.

The full scope of her experience this summer has helped further cement some of Lambert’s future goals, 也. She isn’t positive of the exact path she’ll pursue professionally – “I’m a triple major, 如果这说明我是个优柔寡断的人,” she quips – but it will most definitely involve social justice issues and fighting for the greater good.

“That fulfillment of being able to see the applied benefit and positive outcome of working on important social issues, 那种不真实的感觉是任何东西都无法比拟的,她说。. “我知道我想在我的生活中以某种方式拥有它.”